A baby needs 6-12 diapers a day

Diaper, wipe and formula donations are accepted throughout the year with deliveries to local pantries scheduled each September. Contact us today to learn more about hosting your own diaper drive or to schedule an appointment to drop off your donation. info@denardopolkmemorialfoundation.org
470 Forest Ave, Suite 502-3
Plymouth, MI 48170

5 million children under 3 live in low income families.

1 in 3 U.S. families experience diaper need.
Babies without clean diapers are exposed to more potential health risks & less likely accepted to daycares, leaving parents unable to attend work

Help us provide diapers to families in need!

Low income families are also likely to not have private laundry facilities meaning cloth diapering is not an option for them.

Most child care centers require parents to provide a day’s supply of disposable diapers